Menus For These Windows

All of these extra windows have the same menus, with the same options. These menus are as follows:

     | File  Options  Window                                     Help |
Extra Window Menus

The File menu contains only a close command, which simply closes that window:

                                 | Close |
The Extra Window File Menu

The Options menu contains only a Print Format command:

                             | Print Format... |
The Extra Window Options Menu

Selecting Print Format will pop up a dialogue, which allows you to control the printout of the information in that window. The operation of this dialogue is explained in dbg-sld-men-opt.

Note that changing the print format of the variable bindings window or the ancestors window will cause that window to be updated immediately, to reflect the new print format. However, changing the print format of the standard debugger window will only change the format of subsequent entries in the window; lines already written will not be changed.