Looking Up a Callable Prolog Predicate

Before a Prolog predicate can be called from a foreign language it must be looked up. The C functions QP_predicate() and QP_pred() perform this function. The lookup step could have been folded into the functions that make the query, but if a predicate was to be called many times the redundant, if hidden, predicate lookup would be a source of unnecessary overhead. Instead, QP_predicate() or QP_pred() can be called just once per predicate. The result can then be stored in a variable and used as necessary.

Both QP_predicate() and QP_pred return a QP_pred_ref, which represents a Prolog predicate. The type definition for QP_pred_ref is found in <quintus/quintus.h>.

            QP_pred_ref QP_predicate(name_string, arity, module_string)
            char *name_string;
            long int arity;
            char *module_string;

QP_predicate() is the most convenient way of looking up a callable Prolog predicate. It is simply passed the name and module of the predicate to be called as strings, the arity as an integer, and returns a QP_pred_ref, which is used to make the actual call to Prolog.

QP_predicate() can only be used to look up predicates that have been declared callable from foreign code. If some other predicate is looked up, QP_ERROR is returned. Checking the return value protects you from attempting to call a predicate that isn't yet ready to be called.

            QP_pred_ref QP_pred(name_atom, arity, module_atom)
            QP_atom name_atom;
            long int arity;
            QP_atom module_atom;

QP_pred() is a less convenient, but faster, means of looking up a callable Prolog predicate. Unlike QP_predicate(), it has its name and module arguments passed as Prolog atoms. These may have been returned to C from Prolog, or may have been built in the foreign language using QP_atom_from_string(). One additional difference is that the name passed is not the name of the Prolog predicate to be called, but rather the name of the interface predicate constructed when the Prolog predicate was made callable from foreign code fli-ffp-ppc. Much of the cost of QP_predicate() is from having to look up Prolog atoms for its name and module arguments. By avoiding doing this unnecessarily, what QP_pred() gives up in convenience is returned in performance. Like QP_predicate(), QP_pred() returns a QP_pred_ref, which is used to make the actual call to Prolog. If a predicate that is not an interface predicate is looked up, QP_pred() returns QP_ERROR.

QP_pred() can only be used to look up predicates that have been declared callable from foreign code. If some other predicate, or a predicate that does not exist, is looked up, QP_ERROR is returned. This protects you from attempting to call a predicate that isn't yet ready to be called.