Creating A Stream Based On C Standard I/O Library

This example demonstrates creating a stream based on standard I/O library package. The stream is created as unbuffered for the Prolog I/O system (It is still buffered in the standard I/O package). By making the stream unbuffered, mixed I/O operations between Prolog code and C code using standard I/O library functions will work appropriately. In this case, line counts and character counts will be maintained for Prolog I/O predicates and QP functions only.

foreign(open_stdio, c, open_stdio(+string, +string, -integer, [-address])). foreign_file('stdio', [open_stdio]). :- load_foreign_files(['stdio'],['-lc']). open_stdio_file(FileName, ModeName, Stream) :- valid_open_mode(ModeName, Mode), open_stdio(FileName, Mode, ErrorNum, CStream), ( CStream =:= 0 -> raise_exception(existence_error( open_stdio_file(FileName, ModeName, Stream), 1, file, FileName, errno(ErrorNum))) ; stream_code(Stream, CStream) ). valid_open_mode(read, r). valid_open_mode(write, w). valid_open_mode(append, a).
#include <stdio.h> #include <quintus/quintus.h> /* Create a stream based on UNIX standard I/O library. This stream is created as an unbuffered stream so that mixed calls of Quintus Prolog I/O predicates (functions) and standard I/O on the stream will read/write the same sequence of bytes of the stream */ typedef struct { QP_stream qpinfo; FILE *fp; unsigned char buffer[4]; } StdioStream; #define CoerceStdioStream(stream) ((StdioStream *) stream) extern int errno; static int stdio_read(qpstream, bufptr, sizeptr) QP_stream *qpstream; unsigned char **bufptr; size_t *sizeptr; { StdioStream *stream = CoerceStdioStream(qpstream); register int c; if ((c = getc(stream->fp)) < 0) return QP_EOF; stream->buffer[0] = (unsigned char) c; *bufptr = stream->buffer; *sizeptr = 1; /* '-1' because the magic field stores the beginning address of the returned buffer */ qpstream->magic.byteno = ftell(stream->fp)-1; return (c == '\n') ? QP_FULL : QP_PART; }
static int stdio_write(qpstream, bufptr, sizeptr) QP_stream *qpstream; unsigned char **bufptr; size_t *sizeptr; { StdioStream *stream = CoerceStdioStream(qpstream); if (*sizeptr == 0) { *bufptr = stream->buffer; *sizeptr = 0; return QP_SUCCESS; } errno = 0; if (putc((char) stream->buffer[0], stream->fp) < 0) { qpstream->errno = (errno) ? errno : QP_E_CANT_WRITE; return QP_ERROR; } qpstream->magic.byteno = ftell(stream->fp); *bufptr = stream->buffer; *sizeptr = 0; /* use 0 for unbuffered write */ return QP_SUCCESS; } static int stdio_flush(qpstream, bufptr, sizeptr) QP_stream *qpstream; unsigned char **bufptr; size_t *sizeptr; { StdioStream *stream = CoerceStdioStream(qpstream); /* The stream is unbuffered so that there is no character in the buffer of stream->buffer */ errno = 0; if (fflush(stream->fp) < 0) { qpstream->errno = (errno) ? errno : QP_E_CANT_FLUSH; return QP_ERROR; } qpstream->magic.byteno = ftell(stream->fp); *bufptr = stream->buffer; *sizeptr = 0; return QP_SUCCESS; }
static int stdio_seek(qpstream, qpmagic, whence, bufptr, sizeptr) QP_stream *qpstream; union QP_cookie *qpmagic; int whence; unsigned char **bufptr; size_t *sizeptr; { StdioStream *stream = CoerceStdioStream(qpstream); int rtn; errno = 0; /* fseek() should normally flush out the buffered input for stream->fp. Use fflush() just to be safe */ if (qpstream->mode != QP_READ) (void) fflush(stream->fp); switch (whence) { case QP_BEGINNING: rtn = fseek(stream->fp, qpmagic->byteno, 0); break; case QP_CURRENT: rtn = fseek(stream->fp, qpmagic->byteno, 1); break; case QP_END: rtn = fseek(stream->fp, qpmagic->byteno, 2); break; default: qpstream->errno = QP_E_INVAL; return QP_ERROR; } if (rtn == -1) { qpstream->errno = (errno) ? errno : QP_E_CANT_SEEK; return QP_ERROR; } qpstream->magic.byteno = ftell(stream->fp); *bufptr = stream->buffer; *sizeptr = (qpstream->mode == QP_READ) ? 0 : qpstream->max_reclen; return QP_SUCCESS; }
static int stdio_close(qpstream) QP_stream *qpstream; { StdioStream *stream = CoerceStdioStream(qpstream); /* characters in fp buffer is flushed by fclose() */ if (fclose(stream->fp) < 0) { qpstream->errno = errno; return QP_ERROR; } QP_free((char *) stream); return QP_SUCCESS; }
/* open_stdio() creates an instance of standard input/output based stream. The function creates a file stream based on the 'filename' and 'modename' parameter. It returns the pointer to the created QP_stream structure upon success. It returns QP_NULL_STREAM and sets error code in 'error_num' upon failure. */ QP_stream * open_stdio(filename, modename, error_num) char *filename, *modename; int *error_num; { QP_stream *option; FILE *fp; StdioStream *stream; int mode, stdio_read(), stdio_write(), stdio_flush(), stdio_seek(), stdio_close(); switch (*modename) { case 'r': mode = QP_READ; break; case 'w': mode = QP_WRITE; break; case 'a': mode = QP_APPEND; break; default: *error_num = QP_E_BAD_MODE; return QP_NULL_STREAM; } if ((fp = fopen(filename, modename)) == NULL) { *error_num = errno; return QP_NULL_STREAM; } /* allocate space for the stream */ stream = (StdioStream *) QP_malloc(sizeof(*stream)); /* set values in the stream */ stream->fp = fp; /* obtain default values in QP_stream structure */ /* and modified fields for this stream */ option = &stream->qpinfo; QU_stream_param(filename, mode, QP_DELIM_LF, option); if (isatty(fileno(fp))) { option->format = QP_DELIM_TTY; option->seek_type = QP_SEEK_ERROR; } else { option->seek_type = QP_SEEK_BYTE; } option->max_reclen = (mode == QP_READ) ? 1 : 0;
if (mode != QP_READ) { option->write = stdio_write; option->flush = stdio_flush; } else { option->read = stdio_read; option->peof_act = QP_PASTEOF_EOFCODE; } option->seek = stdio_seek; option->close = stdio_close; /* sets correct value in magic field */ if (option->mode != QP_APPEND) option->magic.byteno = 0; else option->magic.byteno = ftell(fp); /* set internal fields and register stream */ QP_prepare_stream(&stream->qpinfo, stream->buffer); if (QP_register_stream(&stream->qpinfo) == QP_ERROR) { (void) stream->qpinfo.close(&stream->qpinfo); *error_num = QP_errno; return QP_NULL_STREAM; } /* register tty stream to its group */ if (option->format == QP_DELIM_TTY) (void) QP_add_tty(&stream->qpinfo, filename); return (QP_stream *) stream; }