Organization of the Manual

The documentation for release 3 consists of 19 chapters (see the Table of Contents).

There is a separate reference entry, following a standard format, for every Prolog built-in predicate, callable function, and command-line tool. They are arranged alphabetically for ease of reference. The other parts of the manual describe how predicates, functions, and tools are used, and how they work together, but the reader will be referred to the "Reference Pages" for a detailed description of each predicate, function, and tool.

While reading the descriptions of functionality provided, you can always find more detail on these routines in the Reference Pages. Since they are listed alphabetically within those major groupings, explicit cross-references to them are not spelled out.

Preceding the reference pages of each category there is a list of predicates, functions, or tools arranged by functional categories to assist the reader in locating unfamiliar names of routines.

At the end of each section, you will be referred to relevant reference pages and libraries when such supporting documentation or packages exist. Reference pages include cross-references to related reference pages and to relevant sections throughout the manual.