create_servant(+Machine, +SavedState, +OutFile)

Before a master can use a servant, the servant must first be started up and connections to it must be made. This is done by a call to create_servant/[2,3].

Machine is the name of the machine on which to run the servant. If Machine is omitted, or set to the null atom '', the servant is run on the same machine, and communication is via pipes. If Machine is the atom local, the servant is run on the same machine but communication is via sockets. If Machine names another machine, communication will be via sockets. You need to be able to use rsh on that machine.

SavedState is the name of the file that contains the Prolog saved state on that machine. It must have been previously created with save_servant/1.

OutFile is the name of the file to which output from the servant will be written. This file is on the local machine and it will be created if it does not already exist. This file should be examined if there are problems with the communication to the servant. Tracing information (if any, see ipc-rpc-tra) will also be written to this file.

If OutFile is the atom user, then all output will be sent to the standard output stream of the master. If it is the null atom '', the servant's standard output is discarded and its standard error is directed to the master's standard error.