

hash_term(+Term, -HashValue)

Provides an efficient way to calculate an integer hash value for the ground term Term.


Term term

HashValue term
is an integer or variable


If the first argument passed to hash_term/2 is ground, an integer hash value corresponding to that term is calculated and returned in the second argument. If the first argument is not ground, a new variable is returned in the second argument.

For example:

      | ?- hash_term(foo(name,2,module), H).
     H = 1391
     | ?- hash_term(foo(X), H).
     X = _4734,
     H = _4755
     | ?-


hash_term/2 is provided primarily as a tool for the construction of sophisticated Prolog clause access schemes. Its intended use is to generate hash values for ground terms that will be used with first argument clause indexing, yielding compact and efficient multi-argument or deep argument indexing.

hash_term/2 is most easily used when a known pattern of access to a predicate is desired and both arguments of the call and arguments of the predicate are known to be ground. In the following simple but typical example, hash_term/2 calls are used together with Prolog's database manipulation predicates (assert/1 and clause/2) to calculate and add an additional argument to the clauses actually stored in the Prolog database:

     add_pred_info(Name, Arity, Module, Info) :-
             hash_term([Name,Arity,Module], Hash),
     get_pred_info(Name, Arity, Module, Info) :-
             hash_term([Name,Arity,Module], Hash),
             clause(info(Hash,Name,Arity,Module,Info), _).

This example assumes that the name, arity and module to be stored in the Prolog database are ground when add_pred_info/4 is called, and that they are also ground when get_pred_info/4 is called. The predicate that is actually asserted, info/5, has an additional argument calculated by hash_term/2; info/5 would not normally be called directly. A predicate using hash_term/2 to delete the stored information would also be straightforward.

If the first argument passed to hash_term/2 is not ground, hash_term/2 returns a variable. Thus, if add_pred_info/4 is called with the name, arity or module not ground, the info/5 information will be asserted with a variable as its first argument, so it will not be indexed. If get_pred_info/4 is called with the name, arity or module not ground, info/5 will simply be searched sequentially. Prolog's normal semantics will be retained, although access will be considerably less efficient.

It is possible to use hash_term/2 in more complex indexing schemes as well by checking instantiation when adding, accessing, and deleting clauses; however, it is up to the user to ensure appropriate instantiation patterns in calls. The tradeoff between run-time argument checking and reduced indexing effectiveness depends on the degree of discrimination otherwise afforded by normal first argument indexing. The efficiency gained by fast multi-argument indexing can often more than make up for such additional run-time costs.

It is also possible to use such indexing techniques on compiled predicates using term expansion. Note that calculated hash values are not dependent on transitory information like atom numbers or internal pointers. Hash values are consistent across saving and restoring or multiple invocations of an application.

Calculation of hash values is very fast, and indices constructed using the techniques sketched above are also very compact, as the only additional cost is for storing the additional (hash value) argument. When a solution to a complex indexing problem can be constructed using hash_term/2 it will probably be preferable to solutions using other techniques.