configure_notify Event

The fields that can be unified in configure_notify events are:

  1. type(T) unifies T with configure_notify.
  2. serial(S) unifies S with the serial number of the last request processed by the server.
  3. send_event(B) unifies B, a boolean value, with one of

    If the event was sent by another client.
    If the event was sent by the server.
  4. display(D) unifies D with the ProXL Display the event was read from.
  5. event(E) unifies E with the ProXL Window that selected the event.
  6. window(W) unifies W with the ProXL Window whose configuration has changed.
  7. x(X) unifies X with the x coordinate, relative to the window's parent origin.
  8. y(Y) unifies Y with the y coordinate, relative to the window's parent origin.
  9. position(X, Y) unifies X and Y with the x and y coordinates respectively, relative to the window's parent origin.
  10. width(W) unifies W with the width in pixels of the window.
  11. height(H) unifies H with the height in pixels of the window.
  12. size(W, H) unifies W and H with the width and height in pixels, respectively, of the window.
  13. border_width(W) unifies W with the width of the window's border in pixels.
  14. above(A) unifies A with the sibling ProXL Window that the window is immediately on top of, or the constant none if the window is on the bottom of the stack with respect to its siblings.
  15. override_redirect(B) unifies B with the boolean value of the window's override_redirect attribute, one of:

    If the client wants the window to be exempt from interception of the request by the Window Manager.
    If the Window Manager is allowed to modify the request.