QUI Next Answer Buttons

When Prolog prints a set of variable bindings for one solution, it waits to find out whether you want to see the bindings for the next solution, if any. When Prolog is in such a wait state the next answer buttons at the bottom of the main window are active.

Next Answer
Displays the next set of variable bindings, if any, and waits again. If there are no more bindings, you will be returned to query input mode and the next answer buttons will be inactive.
No More Answers
You will be returned to query input mode and the next answer buttons will be inactive.
Remaining Answers
Displays all remaining sets of variable bindings; you will be returned to query input mode and the next answer buttons will be inactive. If there is an infinite number of remaining bindings then you must abort execution using the Interrupt button or its equivalent (default is ^C) key binding (see qui-mai-int for more information).