Arithmetic calculations

X + Y
Evaluates to the sum of X and Y. If both operands are integers, the result is an integer; otherwise, the result is a float. If integer addition results in an overflow, a representation error is raised.
X - Y
Evaluates to the difference of X and Y. If both operands are integers, the result is an integer; otherwise, the result is a float. If integer subtraction results in an underflow, a representation error is raised.
X * Y
Evaluates to the product of X and Y. If both operands are integers, the result is an integer; otherwise, the result is a float. If integer multiplication results in an overflow, a representation error is raised.
- X
Evaluates to the negative of X. The type of the result, integer or float, is the same as the type of the operand.
Evaluates to X if X is a positive number, -X if it is a negative number.
X / Y
Evaluates to the quotient of X and Y. The result is always a float, regardless of the types of the operands X and Y. Attempt to divide by zero results in a domain error being raised.
X // Y
Evaluates to the integer quotient of X and Y. X and Y must both be integers. The result is truncated to the nearest integer that is between it and 0. Attempt to divide by zero results in a domain error being raised.
X div Y
Equivalent to //.
X mod Y
Evaluates to the remainder after the integer division of X by Y. X and Y must both be integers. The result, if non-zero, has the same sign as X. If Y evaluates to 0, a domain error is raised.
Evaluates to X if X is an integer. Otherwise (if X is a float) the result is the nearest integer that is between it and 0.
Evaluates to X if X is a float. Otherwise (if X is an integer) the result is the floating-point equivalent of X.
Evaluates to the minimum of X and Y.
Evaluates to the maximum of X and Y.