Definite Clause Grammars

Prolog's grammar rules provide a convenient notation for expressing definite clause grammars, which are useful for the analysis of both artificial and natural languages.

The usual way one attempts to make precise the definition of a language, whether it is a natural language or a programming lanaguage, is through a collection of rules called a "grammar". The rules of a grammar define which strings of words or symbols are valid sentences of the language. In addition, the grammar generally analyzes the sentence into a structure that makes its meaning more explicit.

A fundamental class of grammar is the context-free grammar (CFG), familiar to the computing community in the notation of "BNF" (Backus-Naur form). In CFGs, the words, or basic symbols, of the language are identified by "terminal symbols", while categories of phrases of the language are identified by non-terminal symbols. Each rule of a CFG expresses a possible form for a non-terminal, as a sequence of terminals and non-terminals. The analysis of a string according to a CFG is a parse tree, showing the constitutent phrases of the string and their hierarchical relationships.

Context-free grammars (CFGs) consist of a series of rules of the form:

     nt --> body.

where nt is a non-terminal symbol and body is a sequence of one or more items separated by commas. Each item is either a non-terminal symbol or a sequence of terminal symbols. The meaning of the rule is that body is a possible form for a phrase of type nt. A non-terminal symbol is written as a Prolog atom, while a sequence of terminals is written as a Prolog list, whereas a terminal may be any Prolog term.

Definite clause grammars (DCGs) are a generalization of context-free grammars and rules corresponding to DCGs are referred to as "Grammar Rules". A grammar rule in Prolog takes the general form

     head --> body.

meaning "a possible form for head is body". Both body and head are sequences of one or more items linked by the standard Prolog conjunction operator , (comma).

Definite clause grammars extend context-free grammars in the following ways: