Converting Non-module-files into Module-files

The Prolog cross-referencer located in qplib(tools) can automatically generate module/2 declarations from its cross-reference information. This is useful if you want to take a set of files making up a program and make each of those files into a module-file. See the file library('xref.doc') for more information.

Alternatively, if you have a complete Prolog program consisting of a set of source files {file1, file2, ...}, and you wish to encapsulate it in a single module mod, then this can be done by creating a "driver" file of the following form:

     :- module(mod, [ ... ]).
     :- ensure_loaded(file1).
     :- ensure_loaded(file2).

When a module is created in this way, none of the files in the program {file1, file2, ...} have to be changed.