qplm -- Quintus Prolog license manager


     qplm -i SiteName
     qplm -a Product Users [ Expiration ] Code
     qplm -d User Product
     qplm -p


qplm initializes and maintains the license files for Quintus products.

A code is supplied for each Quintus product that is based on the name of the site or company name, product name, number of users and optionally an expiration date.

Users are distinguished as either occasional users, if they have used the product less than 5 times, or else regular users. When determining whether the number of users is within that allowed by the license, only regular users are counted.

Expiration dates are specified with the format YY-MM-DD.


-i SiteName
Initializes the license files for SiteName, where SiteName is a number of arguments comprising the site or company name. This command must be executed before any products are added.
-a Product Users Expiration Code
Adds a products to the license file. The product is typically of the form name/arch/version, Users is the number of users allowed to use the product. Expiration is an optional argument specifying when the license will expire. The final Code argument is a 16 character code that is based on the SiteName, Product, Users and Expiration.
-d User Product
Deletes User from the list of users who use Product. When a user no longer uses Product, he or she can be removed from the license file with this option.
Print the information in the license file. This prints the site name followed by all of the products licensed. This also prints the list of users using each product. For occasional users, the number of times they have used the product is also shown.


To initialize the license file:

     % qplm -i Hallatrow Designers Inc.

To add a 2 user license for Prolog that expires on 17 May 1994,

     % qplm -a prolog/hppa/3.5 2 94-05-17 thiscodewontwork]


Contains the site name and product codes
Records the users using the products

The license files are maintained in quintus-directory/licenseversion. The users.qof file must be writable by all users, therefore if the quintus-directory is stored on a read-only file system then the license subdirectory should be made into a symbolic link to a writable directory.

See Also
