News in Release 3.2
- Atom garbage collection, whereby memory for atoms no longer referenced
by the Prolog execution can be reclaimed. With the introduction of this
feature, the maximum length of atoms has also been increased from 1024
bytes to 65532 bytes.
has been modified to
support the long atoms, only allocating space for long atoms as needed.
- The TCP library has been significantly enhanced to provide more efficient
passing of terms between Prolog processes, more functionality for server
processes and support for input callbacks, where predicates can be called
either when a specified file descriptor becomes ready or at a specified time.
- A new licensing system has been introduced with this release.
A license manager program is provided to setup the licenses and provide
information on licenses installed.
- The cross-referencer tool has been replaced by a new version that is
tuned to finding unreachable code in large programs.
- Windows note:
Windowed executables can be built using the
option to qld
. Such executables direct the standard I/O
streams to a dedicated window.
- Windows note:
Some minor changes in the directory structure have been done,
e.g. the
and system
directory name has changed from
to ix86