News in Release 3.5
- For Windows:
It is now possible to build DLLs containing Prolog code to be linked
dynamically into applications.
- For Windows:
Quintus Prolog can be called from Visual Basic.
- The Objects Package is now bundled with the distribution.
- New functionality have been added to
the cross-referencer (
) and determinacy checker
) tools:
- they are now fully compatible with the module system, meta-predicates,
and exceptions
- predicates can be declared (non)determinate
- determinacy checking can be integrated with normal compilation
makes a better analysis of predicates calling
nondeterminate predicates, including built-ins
can optionally find all nondeterminacy through
global analysis
- The documentation has been ported to the Texinfo markup language,
affecting details of the Help system and Emacs interfaces.
- Where a library module had one name with an underscore and another
name without it, only the name without an underscore has been retained.
is a package for issuing Prolog queries
from a separate Java process. Please note: Feedback is
solicited on this first release. Future API changes are likely.