The GNU Emacs Interface

The edit component provides support files for an an interface between Quintus Prolog and GNU Emacs and XEmacs. For information on obtaining these editors, see and Under Windows, we recommend XEmacs since its Windows installer is much easier to use.

In addition, to use the GNU Emacs interface, you must set an environment variable which tells Prolog where GNU Emacs is located:

     % setenv QUINTUS_EDITOR_PATH /opt/gnu/bin/emacs (csh or tcsh)
     % export QUINTUS_EDITOR_PATH=/opt/gnu/bin/emacs (sh, bash or ksh)
     > SET QUINTUS_EDITOR_PATH=c:\Program Files\XEmacs\XEmacs-21.4.13\i586-pc-win32\xemacs.exe (Windows)

Now to invoke prolog with GNU Emacs:

     % prolog +

To exit, type C-x C-c.