graphics_expose Event

The fields that can be unified in graphics_expose events are:

  1. type(T) unifies T with graphics_expose.
  2. serial(S) unifies S with the serial number of the last request processed by the server.
  3. send_event(B) unifies B, a boolean value, with one of

    If the event was sent by another client.
    If the event was sent by the server.
  4. display(D) unifies D with the ProXL Display the event was read from.
  5. drawable(D) unifies D with either the ProXL Window or ProXL Pixmap that was the destination of the graphics request.
  6. x(X) unifies X with the x coordinate of the upper-left corner of the region, relative to the drawable origin.
  7. y(Y) unifies Y with the y coordinate of the upper-left corner of the region, relative to the drawable origin.
  8. position(X, Y) unifies X and Y with the x and y coordinates, respectively, of the upper-left corner of the region, relative to the drawable origin.
  9. width(W) unifies W with the width in pixels of the region.
  10. height(H) unifies H with the height in pixels of the region.
  11. size(W, H) unifies W and H with the width and height in pixels, respectively, of the exposed region.
  12. count(C) unifies C with an integer giving the approximate number of remaining contiguous graphics_expose events that were generated as a result of a single request.
  13. major_code(M) unifies M with the name of the graphics request that produced the event . One of
  14. minor_code(M) unifies M with an integer giving the request minor code.