Running the Installation Script

The next step is to invoke the install3.5 script. The script will verify that you are running on an appropriate platform and print some information:

     % ./install3.5
             Quintus Prolog Release 3.5 Installation
        Installer            : <your login name>
        Hostname             : <your hostname>
        Machine type         : <your machine type>
        Operating System     : <your OS release version>
        Date of installation : <date you installed Quintus>

The installation script then asks for the path of the QuintusDir. This must be the same as the directory where the install script is located and is determined automatically by the install script. One reason to modify it would be if the default contained automount directories such as /tmp_mnt.

     Enter name of Quintus home directory [<default directory>]:

The script will then print the path chosen for QuintusDir and the installation log file.

        Quintus directory    : QuintusDir
        Installation log file: QuintusDir/<log file>

Next, the script lists the available components to install:

        Select components that you wish to install.  You may type 'all'
        to select all components or else type the individual components
        on one line (e.g. pro edit qui).  Components marked with '*'
        appear to be already installed.
        The following components are available:
              edit  - Quintus Prolog Emacs support files  (0.3Mb)
              pro   - Quintus Prolog for Sun Sparc Platform  (22.5Mb)
              proxl - Quintus Prolog low level interface to X windows (2.6Mb)
              proxt - Quintus Prolog interface to Motif toolkit  (1.6Mb)
              qui   - Quintus Prolog Motif-based User Interface  (3.4Mb)
              sys   - Quintus Prolog System Files  (0.0Mb)
     Select [all]: pro qui edit

Some components depend on others--for example, most components depend on the pro component. The script will inform you if you select a component that is dependent on another component that is not selected or installed.

The sys component will only appear if you are running as root. It will appear to be installed already (i.e. marked with *) if the sys component has been installed from a previous release of Quintus Prolog. We recommend that you install this again as this release may contain updated versions of certain files.

The script will then print the list of components it is about to install and ask if you wish to continue. If you type n to this then the installation script will abort. Otherwise it will proceed to the next stage.

     The following components will be installed: pro qui edit
     Do you wish to continue? (y/n) y

The postinstall scripts are then executed for each component that has one. With the exception of the sys package, these are not interactive and will just print informational messages about what they are doing. For example:

     % Executing pro install script
     % Setting paths in executables
     % Building prolog
     % Executing qui install script
     % Building qui
     % Executing proxt install script
     % Building proxt shared objects

The sys postinstall script will request some information about adding links to Prolog executables from a bin directory.