Running the License Manager

Having installed Quintus Prolog, the license file must then be set up with a license code in order to run prolog, qpc, etc. This is achieved with the license manager program qplm, which resides in the Quintus runtime directory (for example QuintusDir/bin3.5/linux).

The first step is to initialize the license file with qplm -i site name. The site name given to qplm here should be exactly the same as supplied with the code from SICS since it is used to generate the code. For example:

     % qplm -i "Hallatrow Designers Inc."

The next step is to add the products and codes. This is done with the command qplm -a product users code. The product argument is a string that comprises the product name (prolog in this case) the platform and the version number. E.g., the Linux release thus requires a code for prolog/linux/3.5.

The users argument specifies the number of regular users of Quintus Prolog at this site and code is a 16 character string that is supplied by SICS. To add a code for a 5 user license, issue the command:

     % qplm -a prolog/archdir/3.5 5 thiscodewontwork

SICS also provides temporary licenses that expire on a given date. The expiration date can be added with the command qplm -a product users expire code, where expire is an expiration date with the format YYYY-MM-DD. The following example adds a 2 user license that expires on 17 May 2004:

     % qplm -a prolog/archdir/3.5 2 2004-05-17 thisalsowontwork

You can print the information in the license file, including site name and products licensed with the qplm -p command.

You can delete regular users from the license file if they no longer use the product with the command qplm -d product username.